For an experience like few others, Pat Abel Guide Service provides full services to catch both Spring and Fall Chinook.
The Spring Chinook trips are on the Willamette and Columbia Rivers. The trips start in March and run thru mid-June. Spring Chinook are a Northwest Prize fish know for their wonderful table faire. Though smaller than the Fall Kings, they are strong fighting fish.
The Fall Chinook King Salmon season runs from August thru December. The trips are on the Lower Columbia until mid September, and then the Action moves to Tillamook Bay and other Oregon North Coast Rivers. The fall Chinook (kings) Range in size from 10 to over 60 Lbs. These big strong fish average 25-35 Lbs., but fish over 60 Lbs. are caught every year.
2024 Tillamook Bay – Oregon North Coast Forecast
As of the first week in May there have been some Tillamook Bay Spring Chinook already taken, It's a little early to predict the success of the upcoming season but picking up early fish is a plus. Spring showers bring May flowers and Spring showers gets the fish...